Monday, August 22, 2011

Young Padawan

So, I've come to the realization that I tend to take out any implusive urges I have on my hair. Mostly cause I hate permanent change, and I can always tell myself that hair grows.. la, la, la.

This time next month, I will be rather nauseous and terrified.

I know San Diego isn't far, but like I've written before.. it might as well be on the other side of the country. And in the back of my head, I keep making lists and lists of everything I want to do before I move. All of the things I need to buy. I keep telling myself to finally write down all of these lists, but I am lazy. Here is one..

Things to do before I leave:

-trip to Catalina
-back to school shopping? (doubtful)
-watch lots of Lord of the Rings
-DISNEYLAND. (all day, err'day)
-Little Saigon with my mother, where lots of ramen, lichi jello, and shrimp chip will be purchased
-drag my brother to Costco so I can stock up on the random essentials (he doesn't know this yet)
-LA Museum trips!
-lots of couch sitting and tv watching with my best friend
-get the bosses their goodbye presents
-packing (understatement)
-find a cheap backpack
-OC Foodie Fest!!

I know I'm gonna run out of time.


Mitchell said...

Also on the to do list: learn to spell "padawan" and "nauseous."

johnpvee said...

i do now...